Dedicating ourselves to mission and impact.

Our Vision

To be the top choice woodworking company specializing in sustainable plantation wood from Indonesia.

Our Mission

To be the lowest cost producer in pine finger jointed laminated board (FJLB), components and albazia barecore
To make high quality products with international standard
To built long-term relationship with customer and suplier by providing customer service satisfaction, integrity and reliability
To create capable management team

About us

PT. KARYABHAKTI MANUNGGAL is an integrated wood-working company specializing in pine finger-joint laminated board and albasia barecore. Recognizing the importance of minimum waste, we are using precision wood-working machinery from Japan, Taiwan and Europe.

Our Factory occupies about 18,000 sq meters of manufacturing and warehousing space on about 4 Ha of land at Purbalingga, with close proximity to the largest pine forest on southern part of Central Java Province. The Albasia falcata woods are sourced from this area as well. The company also owns and operate a second factory which occupies about 15,000 sq meters of manufacturing and warehousing space on 3 Ha of land at Pematang Siantar, close to the largest pine forest in North Sumatra Province.

Our Merkusii pine supply from Jawa is sourced directly from PT Perhutani, a state-owned company in charge of forestry responsible for sustainable harvesting and plantation of fast growing Merkusii Pine. Our supplies are therefore certified from legal sources with SVLK certification.

Our pine products are used for housing component and furniture market mainly in Japan and Korea while our albasia barecore products focuses on China and Taiwan board market.

Recognizing the importance of high recovery, we are constantly investing in newer heavy duty precision woodworking machines made mainly from Germany, Japan and Taiwan.

Our People

KBM currently employs about 1,000 people processing Merkusii Pine finger-jointed laminated board, housing component and albasia barecore.

We train our employees to continuously improve our production system to be lean and efficient. We depend on our experienced employees with knowledge fostered over many years to produce high quality product with on time delivery.

Our History

Brief history of our company journey and achievements.


Established PT. Karyabhakti Manunggal in Purbalingga saw mill and factory.


Woodworking flooring line started (export to Europe)


Albasia solid laminated & pine FJLB production started.


Acquire saw mill Pematang Siantar


Achieveing BRIK-VLK No. 0038 certificate


Pine FJLB production started (export to Japan from Pematang Siantar)


Started albasia barecore production line from Mill 1 Purbalingga (Exported to China & Taiwan)

Get in Touch

We would love to hear about your needs. Feel free to leave us a message and our team will respond as soon as possible.